To awaken every human being into Oneness through personal experience which in turn would manifest as the Golden Age for all humanity
Mankind has been witness to so many teachings and concepts shared by great seers and sages from time immemorial across civilizations and cultures. The Oneness Founders Sri Amma Bhagavan are turning every teaching into a personal realization, every concept into a personal experience and hence emphatically declare that “Truth, unless it becomes your personal experience, still remains untruth.” The facilitation of this personal discovery for one and all is the goal of all Oneness endeavours.
To set man totally and unconditionally free of all forms of suffering
Life is essentially characterised by three experiences namely Pleasure, Happiness and Peace. While pleasure is a highly limited experience, limited to mere material and emotional fulfillment, happiness is an experience of a higher order arising from the sense of contribution and service. With much of humanity still hovering only around the realms of pleasure, a small section has graduated to the level of happiness through service and contribution. What mankind has seldom known is the vast experience of peace that arises from an awakening to Oneness and is unconditional in nature. Such an experience of peace, devoid of any equal or opposites could alone be the end to all human suffering and could only result from a benediction. Sri Amma Bhagavan’s greatest contribution to humanity has been their ability to bestow this rarest of benedictions.
To seed the spirit of Oneness within an individual which in turn would move on to his family and then on to society at large, finally flooding the entire planet in it’s wake.
Unhappiness is the all-pervading epidemic devouring mankind today. Sri Amma Bhagavan say, ‘Happy individuals create happy families and happy societies while unhappy individuals create unhappy families and societies.’ Happiness is the natural expression of Oneness within an individual, which in turn spreads across all society.
To integrate spirituality into mainstream existence, not divorced from everyday living and real-time functionalities
Ancient Indian thought refers to the 4 purusharthas – artha, kama, dharma, moksha –every form of activity in an ancient vedic society was connected to this core objective of spiritual awakening or liberation. Thus, a man created wealth, fulfilled his desires, contributed to social development only to achieve the final goal of liberation. The underlying web of his/her existence was qualified and defined by this vision. Today, spirituality has got black-boxed, alienated from mainstream activity. It has become the bait for an active struggle, rather than being the underlying fabric of our existence. Oneness is the unlearning or dissolution of all conceptual walls that make us divisive human beings, with a highly restricted and conflict prone view of spirituality. A true spiritual awakening is one in which every aspect of our life would be coloured with joy and love, wherein work no more remains a drudgery, but an enjoyment.
To create a new world order transcending all divisive labels such as nationality, caste, creed, religion, gender and so on and would be characterized by an underlying spirit of connectedness and Oneness.
According to Sri Amma Bhagavan, division of every kind, be it religious, national, racial or cultural is ultimately sourced in the inherent sense of separation, resulting from a neurobiological function in the brain. Since this illusory sense of separation has its roots in a neurobiological condition, no amount of active effort on our part could ever undo this situation. The Oneness Programmes facilitate this shift from separation to Oneness through a powerful divine intervention, made possible by the phenomenon of the Oneness Deeksha/Oneness Blessing.
The creation of a global facility, which will enable one and all, to establish a dynamic connection to the Universe within and around them and open themselves up to their greatest potentials.